On 6/28/07, Wolfgang Engelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have sent this Mail erraneously to

it should have gone to the lyx-users@lists.lyx.org

> We are glad to announce the release of LyX 1.5.0 (release candidate 2).
> We expect this to be the last release before 1.5.0, and until the
> first stable release only critical bugs and regressions will be
> addressed.
> We encourage users to try this release candidate and report
> any feedback or problems to lyx-devel at lists.lyx.org.

very impressive work, thanks and congratulations to the team.

I am planning to try 1.5.0 (release candidate 2) out and would appreciate if
somebody could tell me whether and how I can do it without throwing my 1.4.3
version out (Debian etch). Should I create a new user in my home?


When you compile just use the "./configure
--with-version-suffix=-1.5rc2" or whatever suffix you prefer and this
will create a separate installation with the command to run the
program being "lyx-1.5rc2" rather than just "lyx". It also creates a
default directory ./lyx-1.5rc2 under your home directory. So
everything is separated from your 1.4.3 installation.

Bob Lounsbury

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