In june I sent the following message:

"I found a solution to reduce (or increase) the size of math previews on the lyx screen (at least for mac os X 10.4.9, mac ppc): Go to the menu item "Preferences->Look and feel-> screen fonts", decrease (or increase) the "Screen DPI" and save. This changes the size of math previews without changing the size of the text. To see the result you have to quit lyx and start again, the button "apply" does not seem to work for this item. A tip to get the math preview size adequate to the text : write a math formula including an \mbox{ some text }, then proceed by trial and error."

I confirm that this trick also allows to cope with this problem in 1.50rC2 On my Powerbook G4 15", 1440x960 pixels, setting the screen DPI size to 80 does the job. This was the default setting in 1.4 version.
Of course a solution in the code itself would be better

Le 3 juil. 07 à 18:37, James a écrit :

Was the “large equation” issue supposed to be fixed for RC2? It is still a problem on Mac. RC1 also had this problem on Linux (at least on the build
that I did for my machine).

Any update on this problem? There was a thread about changing settings,
DPI, etc., but I never saw a clear recommendation on a remedy for the


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