On Jul 5, 2007, at 10:57 AM, Jannika Bock wrote:

hello everybody,

i am a lyx newbie and need help with two very basic problems. i checked the online wiki but couldn't use na yof the things mentioned to solve them.

1.) i'd like to import a graphic (eps) into my lyx file. even though i do not get an error message, neither in lyx nor in the pdf file does the graphic show.

2.) when i try to export my lyx file into postscript or rtf format i get an error message.

i use lyx 1.4.4. on a macbook (os x).

any help is appreciated, but please write instructions so that i (not even remotely a computer expert!!!) can follow them.

It's hard to know what to make of these problems without more detail. Try opening Console.app (in /Applications/Utilities), then insert a graphic and typeset (both as pdf and ps: View > PDF (pdflatex); View > Postscript), noting each time any error messages that appear in Console.app's window. Then send that to the list.


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