Thanks for the tips, Bennett.

I'm still not sure if I totally understand, though. If I leave the file in the preferences, won't this mean that any of my settings for position of the toolbars and default visibility would be lost next time I overwrite with an update?

Thanks again,

On 10/08/2007, at 10:05 AM, Bennett Helm wrote:

On Aug 9, 2007, at 5:13 PM, Lee Yeoh wrote:

Ah... I compared this file to the file at Resources/ui/default.ui , as mentioned by you in a different thread. This has the extra lines referring to the extra toolbars, so I copied this to the ~/Library/Application Support/LyX-1.5/ui/ default.ui location. It all works fine now. Thank you so much for your help!!

You should leave the copy in where it is and simply delete the other copy in ~/Library/Application Support/LyX-1.5/ui. Otherwise, when you upgrade to LyX-1.6, you'll have the same problem again.

The thing is, I've not ever manually created this file (nor redirected the link in the preferences). Did this automatically occur because I changed the (auto), etc. parameters of the toolbars? Generally, if I leave the link in the preferences pointing to within the package contents of, would this not respect my preferences for toolbar placements, when I upgraded LyX? Alternatively, if I left the link pointing to my Library, wouldn't this not update accordingly, in similar situations to 1.4 -> 1.5, and I would have these problems again?

The only way for default.ui to have gotten into ~/Library/ Application Support is for you to have copied it there. Now you might have done so in ~/Library/Application Support/LyX-1.4, and when you ran the installer to upgrade to LyX-1.5 it automatically moved everything over. But that's as it should be: LyX will try its best to preserve your setup (though if you run the LyX-1.5 installer, you'll note the warning it throws up about .bind and .ui files that may be incompatible with the new version).


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