Bennett Helm wrote:
On Aug 22, 2007, at 12:15 PM, Anders Ekberg wrote:

On 22 aug 2007, at 16.47, Clover wrote:

Anders Ekberg wrote:
Tue, 21 Aug 2007 13:40:50 -0700

Clover wrote:
Yup, a few bounces on the dock and it's gone. Did try installing it again but no luck. This was in my Console log:
LyX: reconfiguring user directory
python: execv: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/Resources/ No such file or directory
LyX: Done!
TextClassList::Read: unable to find textclass file  `'. Exiting.

Any ideas?

No leads, anyone?
Would really have liked to try Lyx.

I agree with Bennett, you seem to have (tried to) installed Python v.1.5 (If I remember correctly Python 2.3 ships with the OS).
Try opening the Terminal and typing python -V  What do you get?
You can also try running python by just typing python in the Terminal. (Try by typing something like 2+2 and return to see that it works, and then Ctrl D to quit). If python doesn't work then this is your main concern and not LyX in itself.


"python -V" gives 2.3.5
python does work fine (i.e., 2 + 2 gives 4)

Any other leads?
... from other mail ...
And of course I don't have a folder "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework". I do have a Python folder is in "/Library/Python/2.3" and "which python" gives "usr/bin/python".

OK, so you have a functioning Python 2.3, but LyX looks for a 2.5 (it seems). Bennett, is it possible to specify for LyX exactly where to look? Or does it look in PYTHONPATH?

I don't understand what's going on here -- either on Clover's system or in python more generally, and I don't have the time right now to look into it. Perhaps a python expert can chime in....


Thanks a lot guys... I will try to work on it in more detail.

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