Paul Schwartz schrieb:

The problem is that when you get the MiKTeX update windows during the installation, you just got the choice to check the updates for 2.4 or to update to 2.5.

OK, but after this you have to do the same to get MiKTeX 2.6. But note that the MiKTeX update stuff is not ours, we only distribute it with the installer.

....When I launch "lyx.exe", I just have a window opening then closing immediately and remaining black during opening which is lasting less than half a second. The same when launching using "lyxLauncher.exe". Here I have two successive windows nothing inside (may be I do not see anything even if there is something) lasting each less than half a second.

Very strange. I never have seen this and nobody reported this until now. So I can only recommend to start from a fresh LyX installation without having the iold LyX 1.4.3svn installed.

1) May I uninstall 1.5.1 version without disturbing 1.4.3 and try to reinstall it
Yes. But I recommend to also uninstall MiKTeX and reinstall LyX using the complete installer version for LyX. This will also install MiKTeX 2.6.

Please be kind to clarify: Is it the complete official installer or yours ?

I'm the maintainer of this installer:
This one is called now alternative installer. I started the installer beginnig with lyX 1.3.7. when LyX 1.4.2 came out, another installer was independently written and became the official one.

(may I understand that because of my former MiKTeX 2.4 installation the MiKTeX 2.6 did not install with your installer ???)

MiKTeX 2.6 is only installed when you don't have MikteX installed. Existing MikteX-installations aren't touched, they will only be configured to work with LyX (for older MiKTeX-veersions as much as possible).

This is how I did it:
I also run different LyX-versions without problems:
- I first unistalled LyX 1.4.x and MiKTeX
- I uninstalled LyX 1.5svn that I had installed for testing
- I installed LyX 1.5.1 using the complete installer version
- I installed LyX 1.4.5 using this installer:
  (version 2.17)

Please be kind to clarify installing 1.4.5 after 1.5.1 ??? and https://.....
Also presently I am using IE7.0.5730.11 and when trying to go to the hereabove address, the explorer advise me that there is an error on the security certificate. I do suppose that I can go further ?

I'm using Firefox and don't get this, but you can of course also use the 
non-secured site:
The the installation order of the LyX versions doesn't matter.

5) I have been surprised because the configuration at the end of installation has been done very quickly when generally it last a very long time
Then it seems that MiKTeX wasn't able to connect to the internet and install the LaTeX-packages needed by LyX. But as I told, MiKTeX 2.4 is outdated, MiKTeX 2.6 is the one you should use. (MiKTeX 2.5 also works for the case someoneone has this installed),
but in your case please follow my step by step advise to get a clean system.

regards Uwe

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