> What do other people use for exercises? And will this ever be built into
> LyX? I have to use ERT to get exercise.sty working.
I use 

To get it working more easy, I put the stuff below into my lyx configuration 
files. With this I can just press M-g u  to insert an exercise, and then M-g 
a to insert ERT (two greyblocks) so I can write the answer between the grey 
I'm sorry for the bad explaination of how it works, but I'm quite satisfied 
with it. 

Here is the stuff I use:

in the LaTeX preamble

{\theorembodyfont{\upshape} \newtheorem{uppg}{Uppgift}}

and in the bind files 

\bind "M-g u"   "layout GGGUG"
\bind "M-g a"   "command-sequence ert-insert; self-insert \begin{sol}; 
next-inset-toggle; ert-insert; self-insert \end{sol}; next-inset-toggle; 

and in the layouts file

# Uppgift style definition
  LatexType             Environment
  LatexName             ug

  ParSkip               0.4
  ParSep                                0.4
  TopSep                0.4
  Align                 Left
  AlignPossible         Left
  LabelType            Top_Environment
  LabelString    "Uppgift "
  OptionalArgs          1

  # label font definition
    Series              Bold

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