Am 29.10.2007 um 22:56 schrieb Christopher Menzel:

Has anyone tried running LyX (any version) under Mac OS 10.5?

Yep (1.5.2).

Any issues?

None for me.

For me too.
Except: I got an e-mail today from someone using Windows who could not open my PDF generated from LyX by using "Preview" and then saving the PDF. The PDF worked fine on Mac and Linux as well, but Windows said, it could not find the type. So I exported the LyX file directly from lyx in all three ways
- dvipdfm
- pdflatex
- ps2pdf
and these all worked fine also under Windows.
So, maybe I just have to check my paths - but I'm too lazy tonight :-)

Best wishes


PS: Leopard is GREAT!

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