I guess your problem comes from the multi-lines comments. But, if you want some help with jurabib you must provide a minimal example preferably in
LaTeX with a small example bibliography that run out the box.


Thanks for your answer. I fear, I might not have understood it completely. Anyway, I changed the jurabibsetup into one-line only and got rid of all the comments. Still it did not change anything. So I tried to split it up again on more lines (as in the wiki) and yet it wouldn't change. I get something like this:

Francis Fukuyama (2004), [italic]Staaten bauen. Die neue Herausforderung internationaler Politik[/italic]. Berlin: Propyläen S. 13

in the text and something like this in the bibliography:

Fukuyama, Francis (2004), Staaten bauen. Die neue Herausforderung internationaler Politik. Berlin: Propyläen.

which is more or less what I am looking for. I would prefer a colon after author and year and some other minor changes:

Lastname, Firstname (2007): Title. Address: Publisher.
or in the text:

Firstname Lastname (2007): Title. Address: Publisher, pp. 230-236.

So I basically only want to change the punctuation and jurabib should be able to do this, according to the manual. But in LyX the setup doesn't seem to have any effect on the output. Trying the same in LaTeX brings me exactly the same output, even if I choose to try

\usepackage[my options]{jurabib}

instead of \jurabibsetup later in the preamble. However, if I clear it all, I get very short citations:

Francis Fukuyama (2004), p. 13

So the setup does seem to have at least some effect, yet it uses a comma to separate author and title instead of eg. the colon I would like to have (and have put in the preamble).

But perhaps its easier to modify the bibliography style I currently use, which is jureco?

Thanks for your answers :)


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