Olá Marcelo,

One of the reasons that convinced me right away to learn and use LyX/LaTeX
was the ability of changing the whole look of a text, no matter what
length, with a single change of style. When you use a WYSIWYG application
like Open Office, you may define styles for each component of a text, say
paragraphs and titles for instance. But, if you want to change the global
appearance of a text you still would have to change each of the styles,
one by one. Even when you try to export them to a markup language format
like XML, you either get the contents without any semantic distinction
(this paragraph is a quotation, this is not) our you get styles and
contents intermixed.

With LyX or LaTeX, you can have one text and change its appearance as many
times you want just by choosing different output style packages or by
creating them yourself. What you get, really, is a markup language that,
just as wisely used X/HTML, separates content from presentation and allows
you to use the same content over and over in different contexts by just
applying to it different style sheets (in the Web they're called CSS,
Cascading Style Sheets). You just can't do that in any other WYSIWYG
application, as far as I'm aware of.

But, then again, if you just want to produce texts that will only be used
once, say a letter or a school homework, then you should really use Open
Office, which is an excellent application, solid, reliable (I never heard
of disappearing styles), and extremely easy to use.

LyX and LaTeX have many other advantages, but we could write a book just
on it...



On Fri, November 2, 2007 11:14 pm, Marcelo Acuña wrote:
> hello,
>       a question rised in a free soft forum. I
> propposed latex/lyx and another person question:
>  Why lyx/latex and not open office with styles?
>  What I said about it?
>  Marcelo

---------------------Roberto Gorjão
freelance designer and web designer
personal site: www.castelosnoar.com

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