Hi Jim,

It's kinda wierd that this LaTeX was written by something having to do with 
literate programming. The \SkipToFmtEnd following the closing parenthese of 
the test for definition of lhs2tex.lhs2tex.sty.read looks to the 
LaTeX-untrained eye like it's conditional, but in fact it gets run 
regardless. To make the program more readable, I would have put it on its own 

Anyway, back to your question. I think the general answer is that the 
environments this code declares with the \newenvironment{} command can be 
used in LyX by writing a LyX environment wrapper. This technique is well 
known -- you can readabout it in these three places, as well as many others:


More troublesome are the commands defined with \newcommand or \renewcommand. 
These can be used in two places:

1) In the layout file (to define environments and other entities)
2) In the LyX document, but only as ERT

Obviously my answer has just scratched the surface, but perhaps it's a start.



On Tuesday 13 November 2007 09:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, I want to use LyX to work on LaTeX files produced by lhs2tex from
> literate haskell scripts (and I know very little about LaTeX). When I
> open these files in LyX they are a massive jumble of ERT and ordinary
> text. lhs2tex uses a format file which is
> at /usr/share/lhs2tex/polycode.fmt on my system. How do I tell lyx about
> that? Will that help? What other files might I need to find or create to
> get LyX to play nicely with the output of lhs2tex? I've attached the
> result of running lhs2Tex on a small literate script -- I can run
> pdflatex on this and produce a pdf with no errors, so I suppose the
> paths must be set up OK on my system at some level?
> Regards,
> Jim Burton
> TeX produced by lhs2tex from a small literate haskell script:
> -------------------------------
> \documentclass{article}
> %% ODER: format ==         = "\mathrel{==}"
> %% ODER: format /=         = "\neq "
> %
> %
> \makeatletter
>    \newcommand\SkipToFmtEnd{}%
>    \newcommand\EndFmtInput{}%
>    \long\def\SkipToFmtEnd#1\EndFmtInput{}%
>   }\SkipToFmtEnd
> \newcommand
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]@namedef{#1}{}}\SkipToFmtEnd}
> \usepackage{amstext}
> \usepackage{amssymb}
> \usepackage{stmaryrd}
> \DeclareFontFamily{OT1}{cmtex}{}
> \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmtex}{m}{n}
>   {<5><6><7><8>cmtex8
>    <9>cmtex9
>    <10><10.95><12><14.4><17.28><20.74><24.88>cmtex10}{}
> \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmtex}{m}{it}
>   {<-> ssub * cmtt/m/it}{}
> \newcommand{\texfamily}{\fontfamily{cmtex}\selectfont}
> \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmtt}{bx}{n}
>   {<5><6><7><8>cmtt8
>    <9>cmbtt9
>    <10><10.95><12><14.4><17.28><20.74><24.88>cmbtt10}{}
> \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmtex}{bx}{n}
>   {<-> ssub * cmtt/bx/n}{}
> \newcommand{\tex}[1]{\text{\texfamily#1}}     % NEU
> \newcommand{\Sp}{\hskip.33334em\relax}
> \newcommand{\Conid}[1]{\mathit{#1}}
> \newcommand{\Varid}[1]{\mathit{#1}}
> \newcommand{\anonymous}{\kern0.06em [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> \newcommand{\plus}{\mathbin{+\!\!\!+}}
> \newcommand{\bind}{\mathbin{>\!\!\!>\mkern-6.7mu=}}
> \newcommand{\sequ}{\mathbin{>\!\!\!>}}
> \renewcommand{\leq}{\leqslant}
> \renewcommand{\geq}{\geqslant}
> \usepackage{polytable}
> %mathindent has to be defined
>   {\newdimen\mathindent\mathindent\leftmargini}%
>   {}%
> \def\resethooks{%
>   \global\let\SaveRestoreHook\empty
>   \global\let\ColumnHook\empty}
> \newcommand*{\savecolumns}[1][default]%
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@macro\SaveRestoreHook{\savecolumns[#1]}}
> \newcommand*{\restorecolumns}[1][default]%
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@macro\SaveRestoreHook{\restorecolumns[#1]}}
> \newcommand*{\aligncolumn}[2]%
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@macro\ColumnHook{\column{#1}{#2}}}
> \resethooks
> \newcommand{\onelinecommentchars}{\quad-{}- }
> \newcommand{\commentbeginchars}{\enskip\{-}
> \newcommand{\commentendchars}{-\}\enskip}
> \newcommand{\visiblecomments}{%
>   \let\onelinecomment=\onelinecommentchars
>   \let\commentbegin=\commentbeginchars
>   \let\commentend=\commentendchars}
> \newcommand{\invisiblecomments}{%
>   \let\onelinecomment=\empty
>   \let\commentbegin=\empty
>   \let\commentend=\empty}
> \visiblecomments
> \newlength{\blanklineskip}
> \setlength{\blanklineskip}{1mm}
> \newcommand{\hsindent}[1]{\quad}% default is fixed indentation
> \newcommand{\NB}{\textbf{NB}}
> \newcommand{\Todo}[1]{$\langle$\textbf{To do:}~#1$\rangle$}
> \makeatother
> \EndFmtInput
> %
> %
> %
> %
> %
> %
> % This package provides two environments suitable to take the place
> % of hscode, called "plainhscode" and "arrayhscode".
> %
> % The plain environment surrounds each code block by vertical space,
> % and it uses \abovedisplayskip and \belowdisplayskip to get spacing
> % similar to formulas. Note that if these dimensions are changed,
> % the spacing around displayed math formulas changes as well.
> % All code is indented using \leftskip.
> %
> % Changed 19.08.2004 to reflect changes in colorcode. Should work with
> % CodeGroup.sty.
> %
> \ReadOnlyOnce{polycode.fmt}%
> \makeatletter
> \newcommand{\hsnewpar}[1]%
>   {{\parskip=0pt\parindent=0pt\par\vskip #1\noindent}}
> % can be used, for instance, to redefine the code size, by setting the
> % command to \small or something alike
> \newcommand{\hscodestyle}{}
> % The command \sethscode can be used to switch the code formatting
> % behaviour by mapping the hscode environment in the subst directive
> % to a new LaTeX environment.
> \newcommand{\sethscode}[1]%
>   {\expandafter\let\expandafter\hscode\csname #1\endcsname
>    \expandafter\let\expandafter\endhscode\csname end#1\endcsname}
> % "compatibility" mode restores the non-polycode.fmt layout.
> \newenvironment{compathscode}%
>   {\par\noindent
>    \advance\leftskip\mathindent
>    \hscodestyle
>    \(\pboxed}%
>   {\endpboxed\)%
>    \par\noindent
>    \ignorespacesafterend}
> \newcommand{\compaths}{\sethscode{compathscode}}
> % "plain" mode is the proposed default.
> \newenvironment{plainhscode}%
>   {\hsnewpar\abovedisplayskip
>    \advance\leftskip\mathindent
>    \hscodestyle
>    \(\pboxed}%
>   {\endpboxed\)%
>    \hsnewpar\belowdisplayskip
>    \ignorespacesafterend}
> % Here, we make plainhscode the default environment.
> \newcommand{\plainhs}{\sethscode{plainhscode}}
> \plainhs
> % The arrayhscode is like plain, but makes use of polytable's
> % parray environment which disallows page breaks in code blocks.
> \newenvironment{arrayhscode}%
>   {\hsnewpar\abovedisplayskip
>    \advance\leftskip\mathindent
>    \hscodestyle
>    \(\parray}%
>   {\endparray\)%
>    \hsnewpar\belowdisplayskip
>    \ignorespacesafterend}
> \newcommand{\arrayhs}{\sethscode{arrayhscode}}
> % The mathhscode environment also makes use of polytable's parray
> % environment. It is supposed to be used only inside math mode
> % (I used it to typeset the type rules in my thesis).
> \newenvironment{mathhscode}%
>   {\parray}{\endparray}
> \newcommand{\mathhs}{\sethscode{mathhscode}}
> % texths is similar to mathhs, but works in text mode.
> \newenvironment{texthscode}%
>   {\(\parray}{\endparray\)}
> \newcommand{\texths}{\sethscode{texthscode}}
> % The framed environment places code in a framed box.
> \def\codeframewidth{\arrayrulewidth}
> \RequirePackage{calc}
> \newenvironment{framedhscode}%
>   {\parskip=\abovedisplayskip\par\noindent
>    \hscodestyle
>    \arrayrulewidth=\codeframewidth
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED]|p{\linewidth-2\arraycolsep-2\arrayrulewidth-2pt}|@{}}%
>    \hline\framedhslinecorrect\\{-1.5ex}%
>    \let\endoflinesave=\\
>    \(\pboxed}%
>   {\endpboxed\)%
>    \framedhslinecorrect\endoflinesave{.5ex}\hline
>    \endtabular
>    \parskip=\belowdisplayskip\par\noindent
>    \ignorespacesafterend}
> \newcommand{\framedhslinecorrect}[2]%
>   {#1[#2]}
> \newcommand{\framedhs}{\sethscode{framedhscode}}
> % The inlinehscode environment is an experimental environment
> % that can be used to typeset displayed code inline.
> \newenvironment{inlinehscode}%
>   {\(\def\column##1##2{}%
>    \let\>\undefined\let\<\undefined\let\\\undefined
>    \newcommand\>[1][]{}\newcommand\<[1][]{}\newcommand\\[1][]{}%
>    \def\fromto##1##2##3{##3}%
>    \def\nextline{}}{\) }%
> \newcommand{\inlinehs}{\sethscode{inlinehscode}}
> % The joincode environment is a separate environment that
> % can be used to surround and thereby connect multiple code
> % blocks.
> \newenvironment{joincode}%
>   {\let\orighscode=\hscode
>    \let\origendhscode=\endhscode
> \}\begingroup}
>    %\let\SaveRestoreHook=\empty
>    %\let\ColumnHook=\empty
>    %\let\resethooks=\empty
>   {\origendhscode
>    \global\let\hscode=\orighscode
>    \global\let\endhscode=\origendhscode}%
> \makeatother
> \EndFmtInput
> %
> \begin{document}
> This is a literate haskell script.
> \ensuremath{(\Varid{f}\mathbin{\circ}\Varid{g})\;\Varid{x}\equiv
> \Varid{f}\;(\Varid{g}\;\Varid{x})} is inline code.
> \begin{hscode}\SaveRestoreHook
> \>[B]{}\Varid{fact}\mathbin{::}\Conid{Int}\to \Conid{Int}{}\<[E]
> \\
> \>[B]{}\Varid{fact}\;\mathrm{0}\mathrel{=}\mathrm{1}{}\<[E]
> \\
> \>[B]{}\Varid{fact}\;
> \Varid{n}\mathrel{=}\Varid{n}\mathbin{*}\Varid{fact}\;(\Varid{n}\mathbin{-}
>\mathrm{1}){}\<[E] \ColumnHook
> \end{hscode}\resethooks
> All I want is for LyX to like me :-(
> \end{document}

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