On Dec 28, 2007 3:18 PM, Bob Lounsbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was just curious what everyone is using. If you'd like to respond
> that's fine, if not, just ignore the message. Also, could you include
> if you're running the latest LyX 1.5.3. Thanks in advance for anyones'
> input.
> Cheers and Happy New Year!
> Bob Lounsbury

Thanks!! To all who have responded thus far. Keep the posts coming!
The tally so far after 24 hours is:

Debian 8 - and 4 running 1.5.3
Gentoo 6 - and 1
Fedora 4 - and 1
Ubuntu 3 - and 1
Suse 2 - and 1
Mandriva 1 - and 0
NetBSD 1 - and 0
FreeBSD 1 - and 0

I've personally been experimenting with all the distros I can.
Currently I'm on Slackware, but qt4 failed to build so I haven't been
able to get LyX on yet. I also have an iBook running Debian Etch with
1.5.3. I must say too that 1.5.3 has GREATLY increased the typing
speed on my iBook (THANK YOU).

Hopefully, we'll get some more posts and I'll give another update.


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