On Jan 14, 2008, at 7:30 PM, Biao Wu wrote:

Bennett, I created ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex. It did not change anything. I got
the same error message. Biao

I'm stumped. Try opening Terminal.app, and typing this:

mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/lyx

cp /path/to/LyX.app/Contents/Resources/tex/* ~/Library/texmf/tex/ latex/lyx/

(where you should substitute the path to your LyX.app for "/path/to". In my case, keeping LyX.app in the Applications directory, I would type:

cp /Applications/LyX.app/Contents/Resources/tex/* ~/Library/texmf/tex/ latex/lyx/

Then enter:


That will complete the last step of the installation manually. Let me know if you get any error messages when doing this. (You should see the same output from texhash as before.)


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