On Sun, 20 Jan 2008, George De Bruin shared this with us all:
>--} So, I guess this situation leaves me in kind of a foobar snafu:
>--} (1) The current distribution official release in Ubuntu Gutsy is 1.5.1
>--} (2) 1.5.3 is only available in Ubuntu Hardy, and has dependencies not
>--} satisfied by Gutsy
>--} So, given this scenario, and the fact that the performance of 1.5.1 is
>--} unacceptable (it doesn't scroll well, and it can't keep up with my
>--} typing), I guess I am out of luck.
>--} Maybe this is for the better...  While I've enjoyed using LyX over the
>--} past eight years, it has become increasingly noticeable that it is a
>--} less than optimal solution for me.  Why?
>--} (1) When I started most distro's still installed some form of TeX by
>--} default.  They don't now.  So, when I install LyX, I also need a TeX
>--} installation (not necessarily a bad thing, given the typsetting
>--} capabilities of TeX/LaTeX).
>--} (2) When I started with LyX, the primary toolkit in use was still
>--} xforms.  The idea was to eventually have both a qt and gtk+ versions.
>--} However, as things have progressed, it seems that gtk+ has fallen off
>--} the map (understandably, no one wants to work on it).  Unfortunately, as
>--} I've refined my configurations, all of the applications I really need
>--} are gtk+ based, so maintaining an installation of qt for a sinlge
>--} applications seems a bit more than silly.
>--} (3) Duplication of applications: I still have to be able to work with MS
>--} Word / Excel documents, and I can't afford to do a lot of back-and-forth
>--} conversion and lose the styles in the Word documents.  So, this has
>--} meant maintaining either AbiWord & Gnumeric, or OpenOffice.org on my
> system. --}
>--} So, the point is, this current packaging issue has just tipped the
>--} scales past the point of being reasonable.  It's just gotten to the
>--} point where maintaining LyX on my system has become (a) costly in terms
>--} of disk space and resources used, (b) now is costing me time, (c) and is
>--} actually interfering in my work.
>--} So, it's time to set LyX aside.  It's been fun using LyX for these past
>--} eight years, but now it's time to move on.
>--} Bye!
>--} // George

Seems logical from your point of view I suppose?



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