On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 13:22:03 -0500
rgheck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> llewellyn wrote:
> > dear Uwe,

> So something like this:
> \usepackage{calc} % let's us do minus
> \newlength{\bindingwidth}
> \setlength\bindingwidth{2cm} % for example
> \settrimmedsize{\stockheight}{\stockwidth - \bindingwidth}
> \settrims{0cm}{0cm} %this forces all the extra width to the inner 
> edge...I think
> Something like that will work---I haven't tested it---and is more in
> the spirit of the package.

This is what I did to change margins using the Memoir class:




This last item is the "gotcha": the changed settings will not take
effect unless you include it.


> Richard

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