I read that my printer wants to use PDF/X-1a:2001 for best printing 

This is a little not LyX specific, but ..

How can you tell what PDF setting is in use?

For example, one of my books is:

tx:reed$ pdfinfo book.pdf  
Creator:        TeX
Producer:       pdfeTeX-1.21a
CreationDate:   Thu Dec 20 11:57:04 2007
Tagged:         no
Pages:          595
Encrypted:      no
Page size:      535.68 x 696.959 pts
File size:      4034185 bytes
Optimized:      no
PDF version:    1.4

I think version 1.4 is newer, but I don't know.

What tool can I use to check for "PDF/X-1a:2001"?

By the way, my producer (pdfeTeX-1.21a) is from teTeX-bin-3.0nb14 (pkgsrc 
package). Any suggestions on tweaking that to create correct PDF?

  Jeremy C. Reed

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