Rich Shepard wrote:
> \pagestyle{myheadings}\markboth{Dr. V.N. Rai\\Page {\pagenumber}\\February
> 11, 2008}
>    The addressee and data are explicit because I don't yet know how to
> specify those with variables.

\usekomavar (see below)

>    The error when trying to compile with pdflatex is:
> "Paragraph ended before \markboth was complete"

\markboth takes two arguments (left and right heading).

>    I get the same error if I split the LaTeX into two lines, with the
> second line beginning with the \markboth{}.
>    What have I missed, please?

(preferably in preamble:)

\markboth{\usekomavar{toname}\\Page \thepage\\\usekomavar{date}}{}

or (to use both sides)

\markboth{\usekomavar{toname}}{Page \thepage\\\usekomavar{date}}

However, I'd use scrpage2 instead. Set Document->Settings->Page Format->Page 
Style to "default" and put the following in preamble

\ohead{\usekomavar{toname}\\Page \thepage\\\usekomavar{date}}


\ihead{Page \thepage\\\usekomavar{date}}


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