On Sat, 1 Mar 2008, Rene Maya shared this with us all:
>--} I hope that you can help me because I actually really like working with
> Lyx, --} but then again if I can't make pdf or print then is pretty much
> useless for --} me.

Hello René,

I can feel the frustration that we have all felt, and I am not certain that I 
know enough about Kubuntu or Ubuntu to write anything helpful, but obviously 
you need to know a little about what you need to print.

You need the gs package to print from LyX, but you may need another packages 
as well. I actually print from xpdf or kpdf after converting the file to a 

You won't see a .pdf file if you don't have a PDF viewer installed, so again 
something like xpdf will do the trick. Once installed Lyx will probably find 
it if you close down or reconfigure first and close it down.

Linux philosophy is an operating system that doesn't just install everything, 
but you can if you want. It is an operating system where you may exercise 
choice. Not a great deal is forced on you even in Kubuntu/Ubuntu, so you 
install what you think you need or want, or everything that's available if 
you have the harddrive space and don't worry about the security issues. Then 
everything will work. Very few people choose the road to bloated bother, and 
rather just install things as they are required. So you will have to make 
choices and install what you want/need. That's pretty normal when you need to 
make a choice in life and just like in life you need to look about to see 
what's available to perform the task.

Be well,
Registered Linux User:- 329524
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