I use Lyx 1.5.2 on XP with bibtex to write academic papers.  I sometimes
want to cite a reference as an example of a point I am making using the
Latin expression *e.g*..  What I am going for is something like the

     Many researchers have said "blah blah blah" (*e.g.* Smith, 2005).

When I insert a citation into Lyx, using Insert>Citation I have the option
of putting in "Text Before" to appear before the citation.  This is
great...but I want that text to be in italics.  Any thoughts on how to make
that happen?  Do I have to modify the bibtex .sty file?  If so I have no
idea how to do this.  Seems like a small thing...but I have an adviser who
is a stickler for that formatting convention in particular!

Thanks for any pointers,


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