It would be much better to open a dialog box that allows
PDF and other images to be viewed, and with crosshairs,
select a bounding box, adjustable to the image and user
taste.  This is much better means in view of user interface
goals, I should think.

I do not seem to be able to find means to cause a single
overscore bar to span more than one character.  For
instance, I would like to represent the regular expression
1(01)*  in the form reminiscent of the mathematical mark
of repetition.  When I use 1\bar{01} the mark has width of
one character, and spans the space between zero and
one, not the space from outer edges of both characters.

It is possible for me to select a stretch of text, and to
assign some kind of special character, such as italic,
bold, etc.  Why can I not also add the character of
underline, overscore, strike-through?

It is not always clear from the user interface when I should
use ERT, insert math directly, use TeX commands, and 
the like.  Experience will likely ease this uncertainty but,
I wonder about finding means to ease the utility of TeX and
LaTeX knowledge, such as to zero.  Some things are 
already handled in this fashion, like emboldening text, or
centering it.  My suspicion is that many more such knobs
can be added.  The one knob of ERT, as desirable as it
may be to forever retain it, should be a mechanism of last
resort; is this not a goal of the team, that ERT be a last

Anybody know of a good open-source compendium of
TeX assembly language?


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