On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 9:29 PM, D. Zorig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I'm sorry to keep bothering with same issue.
>  With help of Bob Lounsbury and Uwe Stoher, I have right aligned caption
>  label and centered caption text in the next line with following code.
>  \usepackage{caption}
> \DeclareCaptionFormat{custom}{\raggedleft\bfseries#1\par\centerlast\slshape#3\par}
>  \captionsetup[table]{format=custom}
>  But I couldn't change fonts of caption label to bold and caption text to
>  slanted as it supposed to.
>  I tried KOMA Script book class' own
>  \setkomafont{captionlabel}{\bfseries}
>  but couldn't get it change.
>  It doesn't give any error just doesn't change font.
>  I tried using regular book class but it didn't help.
>  What could cause caption font being so stubborn?
>  Thank you in advance
>  --
>  Zorigtkhuu Davaanyam

Just use the caption package options. Add 'labelfont=bf' to:



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