On Tuesday 29 April 2008 13:11, rgheck wrote:
> Steve Litt wrote:
> > On Tuesday 29 April 2008 09:00, you wrote:
> >> But I've done a little experimenting, and here's one way this can
> >> happen. First, you have to be using a "local" layout file, that is, a
> >> layout file that is not in your LyX user directory but instead in the
> >> directory with the source file.
> >
> > I'm using a layout file in the source file directory. However, there's a
> > symlink to a the same name in /home/slitt/.lyx/layouts.
> OK, then that is definitely related. LyX won't see the one in
> .lyx/layouts if there is one in the document directory with the same
> name. At least, there are circumstances under which it won't use it.
> What happens, I think, is that
> > One more thing that might provide a hint. At least some of the times I
> > observed this automatic switching away from my custom document class,
> > when I scanned the list of available document classes to "put it back",
> > my custom document class was listed twice in the document class. This
> > document class switching is intermittent, and while I can't say for sure
> > a correspondence between it appearing twice and it evaporating, I cannot
> > remember a time it disappeared when it was not listed twice, and I cannot
> > remember a time when it did not disappear when it was listed twice.
> This is again a consequence of using the local layout. It's listed twice
> because one of them is the local layout and one of them is the system
> version. See my post to the devel list for ideas about who this could
> have caused the problem.
> rh

Thanks Richard,

I doubt it's that simple, because I've been using the exact same layout in 
book dir, symlink in /home/slitt/.lyx/layouts since "Troubleshooting 
Techniques of the Successful Technologist" in 2001, and the problem did not 
routinely occur. Furthermore, I'm using it right now, and right now the 
problem is not occurring. There must be other factors, and right now I just 
don't have the time to investigate this intermittent. I'm trying to get my 
new book out this week. However, if I see it happen again, I'll try to get 
every bit of information I can.



Steve Litt
Author: Universal Troubleshooting Process books and courseware

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