Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I got stuck with the following:
According to Markus Kohm (Koma-script) one can declare a new command for sub-scribing chemical formula such as H_2
by declaring a new command \Molek
which I did by putting this in the preamble of my Koma-book document.
In the text I write in an ERT-box
\Molek H{2}
but get 'Undefined control sequence'  \Molek H{2}

Same error, if I put only

\Molek in ERT

I use koma(book) for my LyX document.

Can somebody give me some help?

Replace the mis-spelled "\texstsubscript" with "\textsubscript". (No 's' in "text")

You also need:

in the preamble, so that the \textsubscript command gets defined.

Note that this way of using \Molek only works with single-letter atoms.
For chlorine, you need something like \Molek{Cl}{2}

You may want to have a look at the chemsym and bpchem packages,
that lets you typeset all sorts of chemical formulae.

Helge Hafting

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