Helge Hafting schrieb:

The problem is that text wrap doesn't work all that well in current versions
of LyX.  It simply breaks down if the wrapped figure gets too close to:
- a heading
- a page break

This is not a problem of LyX but of LaTeX (as describedn in the EmbeddedObjects 
manual btw.).

The upcoming Lyx 1.6 (hopefully) fixes this by using a better latex package to do the wrapping.

What do you expect? Since LyX 1.5.4 we switched to the best available LaTeX-package for wrap floats. LyX 1.6 will also use this package, but provides some more customizations for wrap floats and also table wrap floats. But that wrapping will fail at line breaks will stay and is not fixable by any LaTeX-package.

There are two ways I can recommend, if you want to use wrapped figures:

1. Install one of the alpha releases of LyX-1.6, where this is fixed.

Don't do this!!! Alpha releases are very buggy and you could loose parts of your thesis. Use LyX 1.5.4 or Lyx 1.5.5.

2. Alternatively, use a released version of LyX, and use ERT to make the figures
   manually using the same technique as lyx-1.6 do it.

For the latter, put
\usepackage{wrapfig} in the document preamble.

Since LyX 1.5.4 we use wrapfig, so you don't need to do this.

regards Uwe

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