On 28.05.08, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Rich Shepard wrote:

> > This is to be expected. It's perfectly normal behavior. What should be the
> > behavior if you block text in a pdf document (displayed with xpdf,
> > acroread, or another viewer) and copy that text into emacs, pine, or
> > AbiWord? The first two are text-mode applications, the last is a GUI. How
> > is the clipboard to know what to do with the characters in it?

> The problem is that the copied characters are apparently wrong. The
> clipboard should have the correct unicode code points for the ligatures,
> but it has some completely different (and unrelated) chars.

They are not "wrong" but in a different encoding: witht the default
settings, this is most probably the T1 encoding where ligatures are on
places totally unrelated to the unicode points. (or even 0T1, where
Umlauts will be "wrong" as well).

A workaround would be to use a font without ligatures (try the standard
postscript fonts).

A solution would be to use XeTeX as engine, as XeTeX supports Unicode
font encoding.


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