Helge Hafting wrote:
Nicolás wrote:

When I select something in a document and then press Ctrl+N+N to get it inserted into a LyX Note, the part of the document that I had selected goes into the clipboard. I guess this is a bug. Or is it an awful feature?
I believe this happens because LyX does something similiar to this:
1. Cut the marked stuff. It disappears from the document, and goes to the clipboard
2. Insert a note
3. Paste into the note. As always, a copy remains on the clipboard

This is almost surely how it works. It is definitely how "inset dissolving" works. Fixing this, if it needs to be fixed, wouldn't be too hard. We'd just need to pass some sort of flag that means: Preserve the state of the clipboard.

As Helge said, do file this on bugzilla.


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