Maksi wrote:

as my thesis requires roman numerals for the front matter and arabic
numerals for the main matter I would like the resulting PDF file to display
always the right number as on the printed paper. Right now it displays
something like

i --> 1
ii --> 2 etc.
1 --> 7
2 --> 8 etc.

as the PDF viewer simply counts from the first to the last page. However, I
have seen already LaTeX-PDF-Files that display always the same page number
as is being printed. How can I achieve that in LyX 1.5.5 and XeTeX on latest

Thanks for any help,


Apparently you are not currently using the hyperref package in the document. Try adding \usepackage{hyperref} to the preamble. The hyperref option pdfpagelabels=true (which is the default setting) will induce Acrobat Reader (and hopefully other readers) to display something like "ii (2 of 938)" as the page number.


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