On 26.06.08, Pete Phillips wrote:

> There is a problem with lyx when you are using change tracking and you
> have citations that you delete.  lyx itself is OK in that it shows the
> deleted citation reference struck through, but if you try to print or 
> create a pdf, you get an error message as follows:

> " \cite{B50}}, [some other body text appended]

> Anyone else had this problem ?

Yes, me. I had to hand in a revised version of a paper with changes clearly
marked and used LyX's change tracking.

It is caused by the strikethrough feature that does not work for citations
(and some other "complicated" structures).

There are three workarounds:

a) If you do not need to see the changes in the printout, just unmark
   Document>Changes [x] Show in output.

b) if you can live with just colouring deleted parts, re-define the
   marker commands in the LaTeX preamble:

c) if you really need the strikeout output, mark all citations and reject the
   change -> they will not be marked and printout and PDF export work.
   Unfortunately, accepting all changes (later) means that you still have to
   find and "hand-delete" the citations (and other offending stuff).

Expert-Tip: re-defining \lyxadded and \lyxdeleted, you can customize the
output of added/deleted parts. Look at the LaTeX source for details.

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