LyX does fairly well editing traditional article / book type documents, but I think it could be improved for presentations using beamer or powerdot. Maybe these things can be done currently from LyX:

Single frame view. Now LyX continuously puts the text in slide after slide. When I hit PgDn I want to see the next slide with the title at the top and just the stuff for that slide, not the next.

Slide sorter view. You often need to easily cut and paste sections of a talk or move slides around. Seeing all your slides rendered at 33% or 50% size where you can drag them around would be great. Currently, you have to be very careful to cut and past w whole slide due to the way LyX handles sections (losing frame type, changing text to some other type, etc)

Animation editor. Beamer and powerdot require a goodly amount of ERT or hacks to get animations. There has to be a better way than ERT for this. Maybe just a special section type like "Itemize (Animate)"?

Additional graphics overlay. Maybe you want to add a circle around something important. Or have text appear and an arrow to highlight something. You can do this with lots of ERT, but presentations for most people are not a coding exercise. Outline / section editing. The sectioning is great for beamer and powerdot to have organized presentations, but you get these odball section and subsection titles hanging out between frames.

I have thought about trying to hack something together that would emulate this. Maybe crop the lyx file into individual slides per page and put each one in a tab, export each slide and convert to jpg for a slide sorter window, use that jpg for some simple graphics editor to help get code for drawing simple shapes or text or arrows at arbitrary positions?
Am I nuts?

I have used LyX for years and finally I think am starting to move to using it for presentations. I have templates for both beamer and powerdot working (but not eps movie animations, waiting on a animate fix). I can deal with limitations, but some of these things would make it a better package. Or maybe I should try out OO Impress? I am moving away from ppt since they still can't support eps properly and the new interface is horrendous. All I really need is vector graphics, decent equations, simple animations and a decent editor.

Ed Gatzke, Associate Professor Department of Chemical Engineering, University of South Carolina
Swearingen Engineering Center, Office 3C19, Columbia, SC 29208
NOTE: On sabbatical in Germany until July, 2009

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