On Thu, 10 Jul 2008, Jean-Marie Pacquet wrote:

Christian Ridderström a écrit :

 Thanks to Rich Shepard, I've put up an example of how to do a
 'business'-like letter with Koma-Script using LyX here:


 Feel free to use it as you like, and if you know something about
 Koma-Script, please tell me about any mis-use of the document class.

Hi Christian,

I did something very similar for french letters last year. If you want to add these files to the Lyx wiki, please feel free to get them here: http://pacquet.net/?q=node/2

Hi Jean-Marie,

Thanks for the example. I've uploaded the files and copied your text to the same wiki page, i.e.


But I don't understand French, so would you mind adding a translation of your text to the wiki page? I've prepared a place for the translation, and we can keep your original french text below the english text. If you like, I can proof read the english translation.

Best regards,

Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44            http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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