On Tue, 29 Jul 2008 11:10:16 -0400

> Hey, @sshole?  You still breathing?!
> Have you seen my original posts and "attempts" at un-subscibing?  If
> yes, then you must be a moron b/c it's clear that my actions were "in
> alignment" with the directions.  If you haven't, then, well, you're a
> moron for speaking out of turn.
> Rich Shepard wrote:
> > On Tue, 29 Jul 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> >> The individuals at LyX are a bunch of @ssholes!
> > 
> > Mr D.,
> > 
> >   Unfortunately, you are the ignorant fool who blames others for your
> > inability to learn or follow instructions. By your top posting. leaving all
> > previous text in this thread (and others) on your response, and general
> > lack
> > of knowledge of 'Netiquette I can tell that you're a Microserf running some
> > version of Winduhs. You drag-and-drool, click happily away, and haven't a
> > clue.
> > 
> >   Let me try to help the two of you learn how to do things for yourself.
> > 
> >   Step 1: put the following address in your Web browser:
> > http://www.lyx.org/
> > 
> >   Step 2: press the [Enter] key (or click on the 'Go' button).
> > 
> >   Step 3: look at the vertical menu on the left side. It's under the LyX
> > logo and has a grey background.
> > 
> >   Step 4: move your pointy device cursor to the 7th item on the list. It
> > reads, "Mailing Lists / Forum" and is the first item under the second
> > yellow
> > heading ("Support").
> > 
> >   Still with me?
> > 
> >   Step 5: click on the "Mailing Lists / Forum" item. Magically you're shown
> > a new page.
> > 
> >   Step 6: scroll down. Under section 1.2 (User's List) you'll see an
> > instruction to unsubscribe. It reads, "... send an empty mail message to:
> > 
> >     * [EMAIL PROTECTED] to unsubscribe
> > 
> >   Wow! Imagine that!
> > 
> >   Step 7: do the same for the other mail lists on which you accidently
> > placed yourself.
> > 
> >   Now, if this is too complicated for you, scroll down to section 2.3 and
> > read, "I can't unsubscribe
> > 
> > "In every message you get from the LyX mailing lists, there will be a
> > line in
> > the message header that looks like this:
> > 
> >      List-Unsubscribe:
> >      <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > "This will remind you how to unsubscribe, so that you don't have to mail
> > the
> > mailing list asking how to do so."
> > 
> >   If this is too difficult, ask locally for help from someone who can
> > assist
> > you with this terribly difficult process.
> > 

Never had a problem unsubcribing (I tend to do that before long trips to avoid
too many emails).

BTW, if you are a bit more aware of how to work things, look in the mail
headers, it has a field with a link for unsubscribing. Should read for you
something like:

List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

should probably also work to press that link (fix your email if I copied it

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