I've put both issues on the bug tracker this morning.


Am 14.08.2008 um 09:27 schrieb Konrad Hofbauer:

Johannes Knaus wrote:
I've recognized some Problems in both Lyx 1.6b4 and rc1 on MacOS 10.5 which I would like to report here. I don't know if these are bugs and/or platform specific; so here they are: - When I start Lyx 1.6 and costumize the appearance settings via the "Preferences..." dialogue and then click on the "Apply" button or the "Save" button, a new item appears in the OSX menu bar labelled "special" with the menu items "Preferences", "About Lyx" (both greyed out) and "Quit Lyx". In the normal "Lyx" menu "Reconfigure" now appears two times and "Preferences..." isn't responsive any more. The only solution is to quit and restart Lyx via the "special" menu. Changes of preferences are lost then if you clicked "Apply" only.


This also occurs on 10.4 with the version released today at

Could you please put this into the bug tracker at http://bugzilla.lyx.org/

- When I open a Lyx file by dragging it on the Lyx icon in the Dock the file is opened in an extra window without any toolbars and a second window opens with the toolbars in default arrangement (not the one costumized) but without any document in it. After this all costumized menu bar arrangements and prior window sizes are lost when restarting Lyx. The same thing happens when I open a Lyx file by doubleclicking on it.

Also confirmed on 10.4.
Note that the description above is for LyX being closed at the beginning. But also if a document is already open, a new document (dragged or double-clicked) opens without the customized toolbars.
Customized toolbars here means: position rearranged.

Johannes, can you put also this into bugzilla?

Thanks for spotting these things and reporting,

But now some praise: The new autocompletion thing is really great!

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