> I'm working on a self published book project in LyX. The
> book is a 
> compilation of my articles that were previously published
> on the web. 
> The book is just about finished, and I've figured out
> most of the stuff 
> that I needed to customise, but there are a few fine tuning
> issues that 
> I need to sort out. I am using the Komascript book class.
> I'd be very 
> grateful for any suggestions that anyone can offer.
> I'll include all of the queries in this single post
> Chapter header
> I'm having difficulties suppressing the headers at the
> beginning of the 
> book. The first Chapter is a starred chapter (Introduction)
> and as a 
> result, the "contents" header leaks into it. This
> means that header for 
> pages in my introduction says "contents". I have
> tried using 
> \thispagestyle{empty} in various places but it
> doesn't seem to surpress 
> the "contents" header. Is there a way to assert a
> starred chapter 
> heading as the current chapter in the headings? I have used
> some ERT to 
> add the introduction to the contents. Another possibility
> would be to 
> find a way to suppress the chapter header in the contents.
> I don't mind 
> if headings are switched off until the first numbered
> chapter.

 In preamble put a thing like:
 See doc because I am not sure of exactly sintax.

> Text on part pages
> Is there a way of putting text on part pages? I've seen
> some references 
> to doing this but I've not been able to find a solution
> that can be 
> applied to LyX. Adding an imported image would be even
> better.
> Margin titles
> Is it possible to have margin titles that hang slightly
> into the outside 
> margins of the page?
> Chapters at top of page
> Is it possible to move the chapter titles to to the top of
> the page? As 
> it stands, the chapter title starts about two inches from
> the top of the 
> page. I suspect that a solution involves the sectsty
> package but I can't 
> work out how to do it.

 For last to problem you can try with titlesec package. 
 With titlesec you get total control over title parameters and TOC.

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