On Mon, 25 Aug 2008, Anthony Campbell wrote:

> On 25 Aug 2008, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> > On Mon, 25 Aug 2008, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> > 
> > > I'm using the default book category.
> > > 
> > > The chapter headings come out on the left-hand (even number) page. This
> > > doesn't seem to be usual in any of the books I look at. Is there a way
> > > to make it appear on every page, or alternatively on the right-hand
> > > (odd number) page?
> > 
> > I use fancy headers and I have:
> > 
> > % I want chapter on right odd pages to right side
> > % and book title on left even pages to left side
> > \fancyhead{}% delete the default header
> > \fancyhead[LE]{I put title here}
> > \fancyhead[RO]{\leftmark}
> This doesn't seem to work for me - perhaps I'm misssing something. Do
> you put it at the beginning of Chapter 1?
> This does work:
> \pagestyle{myheadings} 
> \markboth{Book title}{chapter title}  
> But the code has to be inserted for each chapter and and the correct
> chapter title inserted, so it's only semi-automated.

I have it only once -- in my preamble. I am using scrbook and "fancy" 

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