On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 9:01 AM, Guillaume Larocque <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Strange. It works on my end with Koma and elsart-harv. I did assume
>> that you have Document->Settings->Bibliography set to
>> Natbib->Numerical, which is why you received an error saying Natbib
>> has already been called.
>> Could you send a small example file demonstrating the problem?
>> Cheers,
>> /Bob
> My bibliography settings are Natbib author-year, and this is what I want.
> The command I actually tried in the preamble is this one
> \usepackage[authoryear,sort]{natbib}
> Thanks,
> Guillaume

Like I said, it works just fine for me. Without an example of how it's
not working for we could probably talk until we're blue in the face
without a resolution. Maybe I just don't understand the problem. So,
I've attached a small example showing how Natbib is 'sort'ing the
bibliography. As you can see in the example the first citation is
Smith & Weston in LyX, but in the pdf output from LyX it is the last
citation in the text because it is the last citation in the
Bibliography. Hence, Natbib is 'sort'ing the citations in the output
text according to the bibliography order.

Isn't this what you wanted?


Attachment: natbib-test.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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