I was asking  about missing or incorrect symbols yesterday.  I found a solution.

In Lyx on Ubuntu 8.04, I noticed that SOME mathematical characters do
not show properly on the screen. (Many symbols are fine.)  For
example, "\cdot" shows as "x" where it should have the centered dot
and "\succ" just shows ERT "succ", where it should have a curved
greater-than sign.  I saw one other person post about this problem in
this list, so I'm recording the answer for posterity.

So far, in Ubuntu, I've found 2 solutions.

Following advice on http://wiki.lyx.org/FAQ/Qt, I get the idea that a
truetype font will fix this.  One approach is to install the font
package "http://movementarian.org/latex-xft-fonts-0.1.tar.gz"; under
~/.fonts and run "fc-cache -fv".

That works. The math symbols in lyx all seem to display correctly.
I've confirmed that the above workaround also works if one uses the
supposedly better BaKoMa fonts, but I don't see much difference

These are the magic fonts that are installed by either package:

cmmi10.ttf  eufm10.ttf   msam10.ttf  cmsy10.ttf
cmex10.ttf   cmr10.ttf   msbm10.ttf  wasy10.ttf

The one that fixes "\cdot" and "\succ" is cmsy10.ttf.

I wondered why more Ubuntu users aren't befuddled by this.  After some
googling, I learned that "cmsy10.ttf" is available as an optional
Ubuntu package "latex-xft-fonts".  So I suppose that many Ubuntu users
have that installed automatically so they never fight the mystery of
missing screen fonts. I'll suggest to Ubuntu's lyx packager that
latex-xft-fonts should be a required package.

I try to tell myself I'm a better person for having spent an afternoon
wading through this, but it is difficult to do it with a straight

Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas

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