Atlas wrote:
Whenever I import a TEX file into LyX, LyX adds the following lines:
   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
   \numberwithin{equation}{section} %% Comment out for sequentially-numbered
   \numberwithin{figure}{section} %% Comment out for sequentially-numbered

These lines do not appear in the LyX preamble but are there if I export back
out to TEX. The lines are giving me a theorem environment redefined error.

How do I stop LyX from trying to define its own Theorem environment? (Note: I have to use a stacs.cls file that already defines the theorem
environment, so I cannot afford for LyX to insert these lines into the

I believe this question was addressed in my other message: These lines are being added because of which layout file you are using (presumably, amsart, or something of the sort). To prevent their being added, you have to change the layout file.


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