On Sep 18, 2008, at 4:24 PM, Tim Michelsen wrote:

This link does not work for me. Can you give the date so we can track down the post. This would be a useful tip to put on the Wiki... I've always gotten by in these situations somehow but not in any correct way.
I entered the tip in the wiki at:

I added a feature request here:
* add option for citealias to the bibtex dialog

Thanks to Stephen B. for the tip!!!

One additional tip...
If you are likely to use the aliases in many documents, you can put a list of the \defcitealias commands in a tex file and then use Insert-> File->Child Document in LyX.

Thanks for putting this on the wiki.

I asked this same question about 10 years ago on a latex message board and got the tip from Oren Patashnik (author of bibtex) himself! So obviously it is not a well known command.

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