On Wed, 2008-10-08 at 09:39 -0500, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> I have been using beamer off and on for a few years. I am currently using 
> lyx 1.5.4 and my beamer is from pkgsrc package teTeX-texmf-3.0nb5.
> I am trying to get a logo printed on every slide (PDF page). I have this 
> in a ERT:
> \pgfdeclareimage[height=2cm]{ISC-gears2}{ISC-gears2.png}
> \logo{\pgfuseimage{ISC-gears2}}
> But I don't see any logo. I am reading through the beameruserguide.pdf. 
> Any suggestions/hints/examples would be appreciated.
>   Jeremy C. Reed

I am also interested in this. I tried myself to add a logo but had no

Regards, Nikos

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