> Hi all,
> I'm using Lyx 1.5.0 on Windows and I have encountered a
> problem: I'm 
> using 1.5-line space (Zeilenabstand). For some reason, when
> I changed 
> the font size of a math formular to "very small"
> so that it fits the 
> line, my text above it suddenly changed its linespace to
> 1.0 but without 
> mentioning it. So when I create a PDF file I can clearly
> see that there 
> is no extra space between the lines, but in Lyx I still see
> (and I can 
> also verify) that my linespace is still 1.5
> I encoutered this problem before with an image, but I'm
> not quite sure. 
> Yet, this time, I was able to really see what's
> happening. I scaled down 
> my font size (12) gradually from normal down to very small
> and when I 
> reached very small, the lines above that math part suddenly
> corrupted.
> I tried using Lyx 1.5.6 - to no avail. I also tried making
> the text size 
> bigger or smaller. Nothing seems to help.
> thx in advance
> Christian

 I have same problem with lines above quotation. I have not changed line space, 
but I redefined quotation fonts to sans serif and parargraph above quotation 
have smaller interline spacing in pdf.
 How I can solved this?

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