On 22/10/2008 08:04, Jonathan Suit wrote:

Hello Jonathan,

I'm a new user of LyX. For the first couple of days, everything went well.
But now I'm running into trouble.

First thing first: this is the documentation development list. I put the correct list in copy.

Second: which platform? I am guessing Windows here but the fact that you talk about ispell is an indication of Linux.

Third: which version of LyX?

First, no matter what I do I can't run
spellcheck. It says something about it being unable to run ispell. That's
interesting since I've set my preferences to run something other than
ispell. I can't export documents to latex, even though I'm told I just need
to click on the relevant export button to latex (i've have the latex stuff
and i've been telling it to export to latexplain (or something like that). I
don't know what else I could export to.

If you run one of the 1.6 release candidates on WinXP, that's a known bug. Please use stable 1.5.6 instead.

And the bibliography has been a
complete mess. I have Bibtex up and running. But LyX never recognizes any
new entries.

If you are on Windows, the Bibtex 'push' feature does not work. You have to save your bibtex file and reload it in LyX for the new entries to be recognized.

I'm going to have to use Microsoft Word to do my bibliography.

To be honest, I'm quite fed up with this Latex/Lyx thing. I've spend many
more hours just trying to format/figure out what the formatting means than
writing my papers. The fact that the finished product looks nice does not
justify anything.

Fourth: LyX is a free software developed by people on their spare time, the user list is very helpful and this is *gratis*, provided that you ask gently and that you give more information.


Furthermore, I find it incomprehensible that there isn't a
much more user friendly decent word processer/typesetting program.
Seriously, what is wrong with having a program that the hardest thing is
pointing and clicking. Why do I keep running into computer codes!? I just
want to download a package that is good for X, and perhaps one that is good
for Y. I can't believe that we can put out iPhones but we can't get a good
word procesing program/typesetting program. Ridiculous.

Jonathan Suit

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