Max Bian wrote:
I'd like to be able to display the graphics along with the text if possible. Can you please give more details on how this can be done?

Well, the first thing you have to do is figure out how to do what you want to do in LaTeX. You'll need a command or environment that works like this, more or less:
   \begin{graphbox}[text goes here]
%in here is the graphic you want to display, the way LyX would format it, e.g.:
and the result should be the output you want.

Once you've got that, turning it into a LyX layout isn't terribly hard. Have a look at the customization manual, if you haven't already. But something more or less like this will work:
Style GraphicBox
   LatexType environment
   LatexName graphbox
   OptionalArgs 1
      %here you'll include the LaTeX definitions you need
You can tweak this endlessly.


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