On Monday 10 November 2008, Eran Kaplinsky wrote:
> All my LyX files, images, etc are stored at work on a network folder
> mapped on a windows box to X:\.  And so my files contain code such as:
> > \includegraphics{x:/images/bubblegum.jpg}
> > \includepdf{x:/pdfs/bubble}
> My question is how do I work with these files and these paths on my new
> linux box?
> Thanks and Regards,


The solution has three parts:

1.  Find out where the network folder mapped to X:\ for windows is for a Linux 
client.  For example, in my office a disk partition which is accessed through 
Samba as Y:\ on Windows is accessed through NFS as /home/public/ under Linux.

2. Find out which included files have the full path in their filename:
        $ grep X: *.lyx
Some graphics (and other included files) may be in the same directory as 
the .lyx file, in which case you probably do not need to do anything.

3. Change the path in the affected .lyx files using a text editor.

If you still need to access the same files using Windows, a more creative 
approach may be needed:
        In each directory containing .lyx files, create a symbolic link to the 
directory mounted as X:\ in Windows.  For example, in my case, I would use 
the command:
        $ ln -s /home/public Y:
so a file (for example) /home/public/pdf/test.pdf in Linux and Y:\pdf\test.pdf 
in Windows could be accessed from the current directory as Y:/pdf/test.pdf

I haven't tried this last method, but it should work.

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