On Tuesday 11 November 2008 07:30:01 pm rgheck wrote:
> Stefano Franchi wrote:
> > I am in the preparatory writing stage for a long project and I wrote a
> > long and very detailed outline to focus my thoughts. I am using the
> > Koma-Script article class.
> >
> > Unfortunately I cannot get a correct pdf file from my lyx document. It
> > seems that LaTeX tries to force all subheadings belonging to the same
> > section into a single page. Since some of my sections have very detailed
> > sub- subsub- etc. headings with no standard paragraphs in them, I get the
> > dreaded Overfull \vbox error. In fact the box is so overfull that the pdf
> > ouput (I use pdflatex) is grossly incomplete.
> I see: You've ONLY got headings, and no actual body to any of the
> (sub-)sections, except for additional headings. What you're seeing is
> the effect of LaTeX refusing to separate the body of the section from
> its heading.
> I don't know of any easy way around this. You could just add some
> non-printing spaces as body text in the right places to effect your page
> breaks.

HI Richard,

I was afraid of that. I am basically trying to use LyX as an outliner program, 
and it works great until LaTeX takes charge of the typesetting. I guess my 
only option is to intersperse a few chracters here and there, as you suggest.



> rh

Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy          Ph:  (979) 862-2211
Texas A&M University              Fax: (979) 845-0458
305B Bolton Hall                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
College Station, TX 77843-4237

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