Dear All,

I am currently finalising my PhD dissertation in Law. I'm using Lyx 1.6 on
windows xp (no package yet for lyx 1.6 on my mandriva :-)) and would need
some help.
The class document I use is book (koma-script). The first think I would like
to do is to to avoid indentation within the footnotes. I guess this is
possible to do it with footmisc but I didn't manage to put the right
commands into my preamble until now. The second thing I would need to do is
to add extra vertical space under the subparagraph and paragraph headings to
make the space between these headings and the begining of the text of the
next paragraph more or less the same than between the section heading and
the begining of the next paragraph. I'm sure this is not complicated to do
but I am a bit running out of time and I must print the final document in a
few days so I would appreciate if someone could help me to sort this out.


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