Paul A. Rubin wrote:

> Also, you might check try converting a file manually on the Vista box,
> using a DOS shell.  This would look something like

>> "C:\Program Files\LyX16\python\python.exe" "C:\Program
>> Files\LyX16\Resources\lyx2lyx\lyx2lyx" doc.lyx

> where doc.lyx is the old document.  If it works, the converted file will
> be written on screen.

This doesn't work either. I get the following error message:
¦ line 23, in <module> import unicodedata                               ¦
¦ DLL load failed: Diese Anwendung konnte nicht gestartet werden,       ¦
¦ da die Side-by-Side-Konfiguration ungültig ist. Weitere Informationen ¦
¦ finden Sie im Anwendungsereignisprotokoll.                            ¦

In the bin directory is a python26.dll file.

Oh -- I just saw that I have a full Python installed on the WinXP
machine (I didn't realize that, sorry...). It's Python 2.5.1

Any ideas? Should I try to install Python on Vista and try to convert
from LyX 1.5 to 1.6 again?


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