Hi all,

sorry for having sent my suggestion about how to define the url color just
to Nikos and not to the list. This was because I forgot to use Reply all.
I  use \usepackage[usenames]{color} and the hyperref package with the
article class so I wasn't aware about the conflicts between the hyperref
package and the koma-script book class which Nikos has noticed. I couldn't
provide any further advice about that but maybe the Koma script manual gives
some useful suggestion.

2008/11/26 Nikos Alexandris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Tue, 2008-11-25 at 12:37 +0100, Pierfranco Minsenti wrote:
> > Hi Nikos,
> >
> > use this commands in the premable:
> >
> > \usepackage[usenames]{color} %this package should not be put in the
> > preamble in the case you use the coloured LyX Note, that is the one
> > which also appears in the PDF file as some coloured text line, because
> > in this case LyX authomatically charge the package
> >
> > \definecolor{myblue}{RGB}{0,47,76}
> >
> > \hypersetup{urlcolor=myblue,}
> >
> > Pierfranco
> Hi!
> I tried to follow your suggestion but I get some error messages. (I'll
> give you a complete feedback later). I am using the koma-book script and
> the error messages had to do with the hyperef package being already used
> or something.
> Thank you, Nikos
> P.S. Shouldn't we keep this on-line? Maybe some *beginner like me* will
> need this piece of information.

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