Christopher Menzel wrote:
Greetings LyX users,

I'm using LyX 1.6 in a Linux virtual machine under OS X which uses the option key as the alt key. (I also use the OS X version, of course.) I would like to have as many Emacs keybindings as possible in LyX, in particular, Alt-f to move forward by word, Alt-d to delete by word. However, even though I have defined my desired keybindings in the emacs.bind file, with the OS X keyboard, Alt-f still brings up the File menu and Alt-d the Document menu. So, question: Is it possible to override this behavior, either in a LyX config file or some other config file, so that I can get the Emacsy behavior I long for?


Chris Menzel

In the <lyx>/Resources/ui folder, try editing


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