Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Pavel Sanda wrote:
>> ci is a part of rcs. another possibility is subversion.
>> whether there is a possibility to run those creatures under
>> cygwin/windows i haven't slightest clue.
> Subversion (both server and client) is available for Win XP and higher.

As is CVSNT, which includes RCS emulation that ought to work with LyX
(though I haven't tried it). There's also at least one port of GNU RCS
to Windows, though I'm suspicious of it - back when I last used it, I
had what appeared to be file-corruption issues. (It's hard to say,
because they weren't reproducible, and it's possible they were caused
by something else.)

Plus the various Unixy-Windows options, such as Cygwin.

For that matter, it's not hard to port RCS to Windows. I ported it to
MS-DOS, Windows 3.0, and various versions of OS/2, back in the day. (I
also built a distributed version with an OS/400 client. Ah, memories.)

But in any case it's easy to get the command-line binaries for all of
those version-control systems for Windows. All my Windows machines
have both CVSNT and Subversion installed. (I don't bother with
Tortoise or other GUI clients; I like to work from the command line
for most things. LyX is one of the few exceptions.)

Michael Wojcik
Micro Focus
Rhetoric & Writing, Michigan State University

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