On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 11:12 AM, Nils Becker <nils.bec...@ens-lyon.fr> wrote:
> convert -compress LZW $$i eps2:$$o
> This got the file size down to about 2M in the above example.
> Even leaving out the explicit -compress option and keeping only the eps2
> (i.e. Level 2) format specification gives acceptable file sizes.

eps2 may be a good option, but using -compress can make the resulting
postscript file very slow to decode, especially on older devices. I
have played with these options before, and there is just no easy
solution for it.

The best option is probably to output to PDF instead. It has a number
of good compression algorithms available for bitmap images.

> Should this be a default setting? Should I file an enhancement request?
> Should I put it on the wiki?

Put it on the wiki, and see whether others have had the same problem.


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